News Pledges Support for the Royal Ottawa Foundation, Partners with The Upside Foundation of Canada

As part of our commitment to giving back, is proud to share that our founder, Niraj Bhargava, has made a pledge to the Royal Ottawa Foundation through The Upside Foundation of Canada.

By pledging a small portion of equity to charity, joins over 300 companies that have connected success and social responsibility. Already, more than $1.3M in charitable donations have been realized.

“The concept of sharing a piece of your equity pie as a contribution is unique and resonates with me and many other founders,” explains Niraj. “Asking us for a big financial donation from our start-up companies isn’t likely in the beginning, but with The Upside Foundation, a gift to our charity of choice could ultimately be much larger in the end.”

Snippet from The Royal Newsletter

“We are so grateful to Niraj for his volunteer work with The Royal, for caring about mental healthcare in our community and for planning a meaningful gift to The Royal in this unique way,” said Cynthia Little, Interim President and CEO, the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health.

Jennifer Couldrey, Executive Director, The Upside Foundation of Canada adds, “We are pleased to welcome to the growing group of Canadian startups who are making meaningful commitments to corporate social responsibility by pledging donations of equity and sharing their success with their communities.”

Media Contact:
Elena Coomber
[email protected]