AI Trust Process

Our open third-party methodology, the AI Trust Process, is designed around trust. Trust is earned by asking the right questions and getting transparent, objective answers that meet trust thresholds and are tracked over time. We work with you to create an assessment framework tailored to your organization’s goals, your audience’s needs and benefits. This framework can incorporate international, national or industry-specific standards, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. Once the framework is established, answers to AI Trust Questions determine the AI Trust Score.

Our unique AI Trust Process covers:

  • Providing tailored education
  • Assessing organizational readiness for AI integration
  • Implementing a proven methodology to ensure practical and effective AI governance

The AI Trust Process can include workshops to train your teams on the Machine Trust Platform, develop trust categories and design the assessment process. This collaborative phase ensures meaningful trust scores and defines benchmarks for decision making — go, no go or proceed with caution — each with continued monitoring, triggers, mitigations and guardrails

The next step involves an in-depth organizational readiness assessment. This establishes the foundation for successful AI integration by identifying the individuals and infrastructure responsible for AI Assessment. It also educates your internal governance teams on the Machine Trust Index and how to uphold responsibility, accountability and transparency in AI governance.

We will work with your organization on initial projects in the Machine Trust Platform to generate AI Trust reports that can be shared with stakeholders or the public.

The entire process is aimed beyond compliance-based AI Governance, aiming to build trust in your AI systems over time. As AI technologies evolve, your assessment can be updated, allowing you to continually measure progress and address any potential issues before and after deployment.

Learn more about our software:
AI Trust Platform »